Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The $100 Store

So last night I went to dinner with my one of my BFF’s and we were discussing a store that we both frequent and can never quite get out of for less than $100. There is the occasional shopping trip here or there that we can squeeze by for less than that but it’s rare. What could I possibly be talking about? You all know, Costco!

I once read an article about Costco and the author said something like “Of course I need this 5 lb pack of cheese balls”, “Look at this a 10 lb tub of mayo” and “We totally need this massive jar of artichokes”. I laugh out loud because it can be true. Where else can you find 30 rolls of toilet paper for that cheap, or 2 gallons of milk for under about 5 bucks? Not to mention all of the other treasures you run across while pushing your massive cart through hordes of people who just can help but stop at every single sample station while there cart is in the middle of the aisle. Sound familiar? I often time look at my cart and think “What the heck did I buy”, while other times I am proud to see all the things I got for $114 bucks?

As my friend and I discussed it we came to the conclusion that there is not much strength in numbers when shopping at this warehouse. When we go with the husbands we seem to find even more extremely useful things: a lifetime supply of batteries, the GPS system that saved our last vacation, TV’s, baby equipment, enough Round Up to kill everything in our yard and all those other must have purchases that are too good to pass by.

All of this reminds me of a Modern Family episode when Cam and Mitchell are talking about this expensive gym membership that Cam purchased. It was this outrageous amount of money and as Mitchell was calling him out on it Cam said “The more you spend the more you save”. Ha ha! This is how I feel sometimes at Costco, I realize that I am going to buy a little bit more but I can buy the huge pack of lettuce and throw half of it away for less than it will cost me to by the small back at the store.

The lesson I have learned is to share. When I get the perishable bulk items that I know are going to go bad I try to disburse them throughout my family. I think that’s the way to go because, all joking aside, Costco does have some pretty sweet deals. And let’s just be honest I love getting a good deal, LOVE IT!!!

Another helpful Costco tip: DON’T GO ON SATURDAY. Unless you want to shop with everyone else and their dog, their grandma and their second cousin you should avoid Costco on Saturday’s at all costs. Lunch time is not really promising either if you are in a hurry. I would say the best time to go is right after work in the middle of the week or around 8 at night. Sometimes you can swing it if you get there right when they open but it can be hit and miss. Even though the parking lot looks packed, it’s not quite as bad once you’re inside.

One more thing, I know all these useless facts about shopping at Costco keep coming, I have found that I spend less if I give myself a strict time limit in the store. That’s why I go on my way home from work because I usually have to be somewhere else and I won’t get distracted quite as easily.

My heart does go out to all you Costco shoppers, many good times have been spent at the $100 store. You’ve gotta love those savings!!!

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